Find Your Voice, Connect to Your Audience


Presentation Coaching

Big pitch coming up.
New research to present.
First conference talk booked.

Time to hone that idea, structure your approach, and nail the landing.

By focusing on the ask, thinking like the audience, and unpacking your process, we can ensure a smooth ride from the white board to the stage.


Media Training

If you’re like me, you didn’t take classes on how to talk to a reporter, and you certainly didn’t get any advice from your parents about how to appear on a podcast.

By combining experience from journalism, media production, and marketing, we can get the bounce you need out of every interview.


Written Communication

Talking is great, but it’s only one half of the communication equation. From blog posts to memos, from journal articles to tweets, writing well is just as important as speaking well.

By leveraging the universal style principles of great nonfiction writing, we will work together in a short training program to ensure your voice and expertise sings as well on the page as it does in person.